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    [2001 onwards]


'Entertainment sector will do well'

Mumbai, December 23, 2003: 'Balalji will do okay irrespective of whether CAS is implemented or not,' says Ramesh Shrichand Damani.

ajaybhargava  :  ramesh bhai what are the indiacations you look for market top out???
Ramesh S Damani  :  Too much speculative activity, housewives, pannwala giving you tips, ultimate confidence in stocks.

manichennai  :  I am your greater follower right from your Morning show in Times FM. I am amazed at your knowledge. Unfortunately not able to gain materially so far. Can you pl suggest some new one so that I can start acting on your suggestions right away.. Thanks
Ramesh S Damani  :  Thanks for your support. I discuss all new ideas in these columns-so keep looking.

sudipto  :  Dear Sir, i am a small investor having a portfolio of nearly 3 lacks. Somemonths back i hear the news of shree rajasthan syntex and had bought 4000 shares of it. Did i did the right job or i should sell some and switch into some other stock as its now becomming painfull. ( as other stocks are gaining leaps & bounds) Please advise me sir. I also had a holding in zodiac clothings, mcdowell, monsanto karur vaisa bank, advik lab, balaji tele, amex info, zenith fibers.
Ramesh S Damani  :  Shriraj is around 10/= if you are not comfortable sell and buy some thing new. But have conviction in what you buy.

HiDamani  :  any new scrips you have been following to enter now .... at such a later stage in bull market
Ramesh S Damani  :  It is still in the first leg of a new bull market.

sanujkadavil  :  SirWhy the market going without any correction. Till last week retailers was talking about correction. But now they saying no correction.. institutions are looking this time to book some profit because everybody is bullish.. Last week I noticed one textile company called sangam India. They given 1 : 2 right issue at 5 rs premium. FIIS increased their stake from 6 to 12%...250cr company trading at a marketcap of 82cr even after rights issue. They have huge expansion plans financed by banks and internal acruals. coming years topline should grow25-30% also bottom line..Do you have any view about the company..
Ramesh S Damani  :  Markets surprise everyone so don't feel too bad. I don't follow Sangam. If we are in a bull market the trick is to remain invested.

rajesh  :  Sir, please give your two picks in psus please?considering divestment
Ramesh S Damani  :  Sector valuation looks stretched. No great new ideas in the PSU basket. Still would give the hold rating to BEL, BEML.

MOKASHI  :  SENSEX defying law of gravitation. isnt it unnatural? any fresh ideas?/douting the irrational exuberance, ifeel left out in this upmove . any stock to recoup the lost chance
Ramesh S Damani  :  My sincere advice to you is buy good stocks and don't chase money.

sudipto  :  Actually i cant get any information of shreeraj for a long time. it neither has a website not any news i am loosing your advise is to sell now.
Ramesh S Damani  :  If you are not comfortable sell.

sanujkadavil  :  SirI go through the shareholding pattern of mcdowell. FIIS have no holding in mcdowell. Why? is there any restrictions or they exit from mcdowell..
Ramesh S Damani  :  They don't hold any.

anaamika  :  Sir,I have a of midcap stocks in which I can make handsome profits.There is lot of hipe in midcap stocks & it worries me.I wish to exit them & enter stocks which I feel safe. What shoud I buy with the profits I make in midcap stocks?????????
Ramesh S Damani  :  Investing is not about large cap and small cap. It's all about your conviction and vision. Bring that to a stock.

narayan  :  today trent moved significately there was a news of fund buying yoday do you think it has the potential to go upto 500 ithe next 2 year
Ramesh S Damani  :  Retail sector seems to be in fancy. Look at the valuations of Pantaloon. I own a small quantity of Trent.

Quark  :  Sir whats your take on Gillette from a small investor perspective?.Are there any concerns on this company?
Ramesh S Damani  :  I am bullish on the prospects of this company. They are doing things correctly now.

priya  :  sirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,do u follow flat products . If so, is it worth buying Flat products now.
Ramesh S Damani  :  Flat is having a great year my analyst friend tells me. I don't follow it though.

manichennai  :  Generally people say :  The difficult thing in market is to get out. Will you suggest any exit strategy at the right time pl?
Ramesh S Damani  :  Buying and selling are difficult always, let's see if we recognise it when we come to the junction.

Newbieatstock  :  sir macmillan has started moving up again before the results , is it factoring in good results ?
Ramesh S Damani  :  It is probably catching up with the rest of the market.

vikas3  :  How does GE Shipping and Varun looks at current rate
Ramesh S Damani  :  GE looks good to me. They have built capacity and shipping is booming.

archan  :  good afternoon sir, do u follow KRBL and GOLDIAM INTERNATIONAL . do u think both comes under retailing . what is the outlook for KRBL
Ramesh S Damani  :  I think Goldiam offers good value. Hold on to it. KRBL I don't follow. I own Goldiam.

sanujkadavil  :  siriam still holds godrej industries. today there was 10lakh block deal in bse. finally promoters are looking to rampup and delist.
Ramesh S Damani  :  I think Godrej and Boyce sold and promoters bought in own name that is a good sign.

sudipto  :  Sir how do u feel about the disinvestment of hpcl/bpcl as the supreme court rulling is just a few days away.
Ramesh S Damani  :  They will clear the way for HPCL to be disinvested.

vikas3  :  MACR FABER  :  Fertilizers and Real estates are next on his buy list. Which counters in this context looks attractive to you. Is UB Holding falls in this category
Ramesh S Damani  :  UB holdings is great value. Be patient its time will come.

chintan  :  Hello Mr. Damani Do u track godfrey phillips?
Ramesh S Damani  :  Yes it is cheap and good value, it will ultimately be taken over by Philip Morris. I own it.

Newbieatstock  :  sir what about zodiac you think 200 crore mcap should be good for the company.
Ramesh S Damani  :  Sure, currently it is only Rs 60 crores.

vikas3  :  Would u advise converting Sundaram Fin to Rel. capital
Ramesh S Damani  :  I prefer Sundaram Finance.

rajesh  :  Sir I am invested 11% in macmillan, It is moved up quickly, would you advice to book partial profits. pl also give your comments on Tata honey at 430
Ramesh S Damani  :  I am comfortable with McMillan at this level. I booked some profits in Tata Honey, though it looks okay to me.

sureshmakhija  :  sir ji good evening ni9ce to c u after long time ramesh ji dont u think that market is over priced everything is rising wether it has good fundamental or not on a single news share rising ans touching their new highs liken news in textile industry that walmart is going to outsource textile products from india all teh sjares of textile started moving now there r so amny requirment for qualifying walmarts order for that u need a quality timely delivery and then margins are too thin before that nobody was buying textile shares plz comment
Ramesh S Damani  :  The market has had a great rise -- however these things happen in a bull market. Don't get distracted. The trick in a bull market is to buy good quality company and hold them for the duration of a bull market. The Wall Mart story has been over used in the market-but like I said find stocks you like. This market has a way to go.

vikas3  :  Still we are waiting for some great ideas from you. It is first leg of new bull market according to you and we really want to be part of this bull run thru your guidance
Ramesh S Damani  :  I discuss here all my ideas, the PSU stocks have had a great run, I like things like Balaji and Colgate. Currently I own both.

Newbieatstock  :  last time u said one can take a course on techinical analysis to learn more, where can one learn such a course here in bombay
Ramesh S Damani  :  BSE holds these courses or try Deepak Mohini and Trendwatch.

shashi  :  Which stocks do u fancy in the Fertilizers & Chem sector ??
Ramesh S Damani  :  If Rashtriya Chem moves over Rs 40 it could be a trading bet.

rajesh  :  Sir, I have put 28% in Macdowell, UB, UB(new), should I reduce my holding and shift to pharma stocks as I have no exposure in pharma.
Ramesh S Damani  :  That is for you to decide.

anaamika  :  Sir, Some one month back you said that you have sold you say that you are comfortable with Macmillan..What made you change your view?????????????
Ramesh S Damani  :  I sold my trading positions, my investment remains.

Quark  :  But dont you feel that Gillettes products are very costly.Would the companies products have as much success as in say USA?
Ramesh S Damani  :  It is a US company. I think they will do well in India.

sureshmakhijagwl  :  sir give the insight how to choose the under valued stock is it worht buying mcdowell at@70rs
Ramesh S Damani  :  Calcualte market cap (shares*price) + debt. And try and estimate if the company is worth more or less than that. BEML was at Rs 70 crs Mcap in 2000, which was a steal.

sanujkadavil  :  sirdo you have any idea about speciality chemical stocks like jubilant.i think jubilant is the most percentage gainer in last three years .850 from 70 rs.even after stock split..sir what is your view on speciality chemical stocks
Ramesh S Damani  :  It had a wonderful run. However, I don't follow the company.

ravee  :  sorry to ask a question in bull market,when i how do i know the tide will turn arround .say i am entering now with goo companies and one day they start declining.then iwiil be left with losses and i have to wait for another bull market(long time)sir ur advice on this
Ramesh S Damani  :  My sense is the bull market has a way to go. So corrections are to be used to buy into the market.

vikas3  :  Do u still feel Corporation Bank is steeal at this rate
Ramesh S Damani  :  Yes for long term investors

Kana  :  Damani ji Henkel do you follow Heard it is a turnaround scrip Thanks for your time
Ramesh S Damani  :  It seems to offer good possibilities.

sureshmakhijagwl  :  sir i m holding hpcl almost my 75percent holding at the rate of 325rs seeing this market and the returns is it worth to hold now as disinvetment is now the uncertain
Ramesh S Damani  :  I am holding on.

Newbieatstock  :  you said once markets move in sectors, u think the market will now start moving towards the media sector, in any case which sector do u think the market will move to
Ramesh S Damani  :  I think entertainment will do well whether they become flavour of the year I don' t know.

anaamika  :  Sir, My broker has some very convincing ideas about STRIDES ARCOLAB. But I am not convinced about its balance sheet...I am in double mind. Any idea about overall idea about the company?
Ramesh S Damani  :  The stock has had a good turn up and is doing well. However, I am not following the company so no view.

vikas3  :  I f u have limited money , where and which 3 companies at this rate would u invest
Ramesh S Damani  :  we all have limited money, it is always a scarce commodities, look at Morgan Stanley growth fund at a huge discount, It makes sense to me. I own it.

srikanth  :  Dear Mr Damani. Did you check Soni infosys ?.. They are entering into BPO. Now they are going to have their board meeting to finalize the agreement with Azmara Plc, UK(120 yrs old UK based company with an asset base of £ 188). Initially it is going to be 50 seats and the same will be enhanced to 300 seats for a period of 3 year. Soni's equity is very small Rs. 4 Crore. So do u think it is worth buying now ?. Now they are also planning to increase their capital by inviting uk based foreign partner.Do you think it is worth investing ?.
Ramesh S Damani  :  I have not done my home work on it. However, if you are convinced pursue the idea.

Radha  :  Sir ur call on BPCL@328 GAIL@100 TISCO@227 TATA POWER@160 TATA SPONGE@100 hold or sell
Ramesh S Damani  :  You have done well, I would hold on.

gujjuboy  :  You asked, Namaskar rameshji as u predicted in last two chat enterntainment sector is moving up balaji is still trying to move up what is future for entertainment sector specially for balaji as per technicals if it closes above 102.35 then there is chances to get target of rs 135
Ramesh S Damani  :  It's an investment call not a trading call. Valuations are cheap and I think irrespective of whether CAS is launched on or not they will okay. The balance sheet of the company is really strong.

SanjivJindal  :  Sir, do you think that Shaw Wallace at the current rates also offer value for money as you generally advice for Mcdowell
Ramesh S Damani  :  I own both however I am more bullish on McDowell. I feel Shaw Wallace will do well.

chintan  :  Sir please tell any low prise fmcg stock
Ramesh S Damani  :  Colgate looks good, I own it.

sanujkadavil  :  sirneyveli lignite some action today.some news paper says it has one of the best mines in the world.but stock gone to 68 levels. at a market cap of 12000crore. is it still a worthwhile
Ramesh S Damani  :  It has power. However, at 65-70 it is not great value.

HiDamani  :  Please my Q abt Morgan Stanley Growth Fund
Ramesh S Damani  :  It trades in BSE/NSE at a discount of 35 to NAV.

chintan  :  Sir how is agro tech food looking? any target?
Ramesh S Damani  :  The company still has an uphill task. Maybe it will take two years to get out of the woods. Thanks for joining. I will see you next week.

Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST


'Market will rally till Budget'
'I prefer SBI or private banks'
'I am bullish on the media sector'
'I believe in the ITES industry'
'Small investor must remain invested'
'Market is headed higher'
'ITES can be high margin'
'I am bullish on the market'
'Sensex should touch 5000'
'United Breweries is a good stock'
'Market should resume upward climb in Oct'
'BPCL is a great company'
SBI is a benchmark bank
'Market should pause for breath'
'I am bullish on Bank of Punjab'
'The market needs correction'
'The market is in a bull run'
'The market should correct'
Correction should be used to buy equities
'B group stocks look stretched'
'The market is getting ready for a pause'
'ITES will be a $20 billion industry'
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'Techs have generally been under-performing'
'Maruti IPO will be very expensive'
'Indian pharmaceutical sector is exploding'
'Poor monsoon will hit the market badly'
'Appreciating rupee to hit tech firms'
'Blue Star Infotech is a good buy'
'Tata Honeywell, McMillan are good stocks'
'It's been a tough market'
''Infosys has been lax about growth'
'Look at an ITES company'
'Market has been a tough place'
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'Why is the market going down?'
'BPO is an opportunity of a lifetime'
'The future is bright with Shourie'
'I remain bullish on the market'
'Action on Kelkar report to impact market'
'Pharma, ITES are on a good run'
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'PSU banks seem to be on a good wicket'
'Time to put some money in the market'
'Trick is to have conviction in your pick'
'If BJP wins in Gujarat...'
'Market is in good shape'
'Divestment program is over'
'I would avoid the PSU basket'
'Market may remain sluggish till Budget'
'Buy tech, sell PSU'
'I am cautiously optimistic about PSUs'
'I am not hopeful about divestment'
'There are no triggers in the market'
'The worst may be getting over for tech'
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'Market lacks a trigger'
'Monsoon is not a prerequisite for a bull market'
'We have re-entered a bearish phase'
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