Satyam's disgraced founder, Ramalinga Raju was questioned by the police early on Saturday morning after overnight interrogation regarding the Rs 7,800 crore fraud, engineered by him in the company.
Raju and his brother Rama Raju, who were arrested last night by the Andhra Pradesh police, will be produced before the magistrate.
"Raju underwent medical check-up early this morning as he is a diabetic and suffers from hypertension," Raju's lawyer BharatKumar told PTI.
After he complained of uneasiness a team from the private Care Hospital and a government hospital went for his check-up at 0300 hrs.
Raju has been charged under sections 120 b, 416, 417, 420, 468 and 471 of IPC -- all charges relating to fabrication of accounts, criminal conspiracy and cheating. All these offenses are non-bailable.
Bharat Kumar, however, said bail applications will be filed in appropriate court.