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| March 29, 2003 |
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|  IT: Boost or bust But continuing export growth is unlikely. The global economy continues to be weak and the Iraq invasion is unlikely to be a tonic. Both IT and ITES will be hit especially hard if the global economy continues to tank.
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| March 28, 2003 |
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|  Consequences of war Though currently struggling, the US economic power is far from a stage where it can be ignored, and has the potential to stage the smartest recovery amongst all the economic powers of the world. It can quickly regain its lost ground.
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| March 25, 2003 |
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|  Bitter fruits of envy But as one who has travelled all over South-east and East Asia, I can testify to local prejudices against Indians.
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| March 24, 2003 |
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|  Jobs for the boys Setting absurdly low FDI limits in areas like telecom and TV news channels has spawned a new industry -- of brokers, to get these hiked later.
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| March 22, 2003 |
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|  The spoils of war There has never been a conflict in which fortunes have not been made.
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| March 21, 2003 |
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|  Growth slowdown and exchange rate In short, deliberately making the domestic economy less competitive through real currency appreciation does not seem a very convincing way of promoting growth!
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| March 20, 2003 |
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|  Consumer pays the price The consumer is willing to accept hikes in telecom tariffs in exchange for quality and services, says Saurabh Sharma.
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| March 19, 2003 |
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|  Cricket, Holi and the Budget Jaswant Singh ensured that the blame for the roll-back on fertiliser subsidy did not fall on him but on the shoulders of the prime minister, says A K Bhattacharya.
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| March 12, 2003 |
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|  Can ICT be India's growth engine? ICT has already started improving infrastructure and there is enormous potential for future development, says Subir Roy.
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| March 08, 2003 |
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|  Of emotional logic and cricket Emotion affects match enjoyment -- but it does not explain the recent reactions to the India-Pakistan match, says Surjit S Bhalla.
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