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'Sexual preference is an individual human right'
Wed, 07 Jun 2000, 00:21:03EST +0100 Reeta Sinha's article was heavily biased in favour of the side to which she belongs. Groupism amongst non resident Indians based on their specific language is a common cancer, if you may call it so, amongst all Indians. However, I do not view this as a sort of cancer but would rather describe it as a feel good factor for those who are outside their home states. I agree with the writer that the Tamils are rather fanatical. Likewise the Bengalis. However, I do not believe that they harbour hatred of the kind she has accused them of. During my working years in India, I had the opportunity to work in various parts of India and made it a point to understand the region's language for my own selfish end. I realised that tackling various issues through the local language would make my task simpler because you are then assured of the co-operation of the people involved. I now understand and speak at least nine Indian languages. I know of several South Indians who speak at least two other languages besides their mother tongue. However, I am yet to come across any significant number of the HWs speaking a regional language other than their own (Hindi and English not to be considered). In this respect, NHWs are far more integrated than their HW counterparts. Reeta's conclusion that the people from South India do not even realise, let alone understand, the fact that there are different languages spoken in the North is factually incorrect. In fact, South Indians venture out of their home states in larger numbers as compared to North Indians and have a better understanding of the various languages and cultures outside their states. Then again, in my midst, I see associations based on ethnic affinities. There are associations of North Indians, South Indians, Gujaratis, Sindhis etc. However, being amongst everybody is a disadvantage, as I realised. Every other Indian feels "he actually does not belong to us"! I, however, consider such attitudes to be a unifying force. All one has to do is to appreciate the various cultural and ethnic groups' resolve to hold India as a nation through its diversified reflections. Let us keep that resolve intact and build upon it a great nation. Ganga
Sat, 10 Jun 2000, 01:20:25EST +0530 For unlimited usage, the internet charges are Rs 200 per month but the telephone charges amount to over Rs 14,000. Steps should be taken to declare the internet telephone numbers as toll free lines. That will make internet attractive. Rajagopalan
Thu, 08 Jun 2000, 15:46:00EST +0530 Thank you for a very interesting and well-written story. Many such cases have been reported in the media before this, however, this is the first case of this kind that I am hearing of from Tamil Nadu. The brief reference to the other case of the policewomen in Tamil Nadu is also very interesting and I would like more information on it. Also, where did the writer get the information about the two women from Dindigul? Did he interview the family and the women themselves or is this second-hand information? Mr Moorthy might like to know that the Indian law, specifically Section 377, prohibits 'unnatural sexual intercourse' by which is meant sodomy, so that does not really apply to women. Also, one has to be literally caught in the act to be arrested; hence in actual practice the section has had a very limited use in the courts and is used more to intimidate and harass. Also, it is not a law which prohibits marriage. Secondly, the Hindu Marriage Act specifically does not mention the sexes of the two individuals getting married. Hence, the opening line of his article is not quite correct. That is the only criticism I have of an otherwise balanced and well-written article. I would be happy if I could get in touch with the writer as I have some other questions related to the article which I would like to ask him. Mita Radhakrishnan
Fri, 09 Jun 2000, 14:19:13EST +0530 There should be more such articles which will help raise the level of awareness of people and help create acceptance of such relationships. Sexual preference is an individual human right and I think that the law cannot prohibit relationships of certain kinds and pronounce punishments on them. Madhumita Sinha
Wed, 07 Jun 2000, 09:19:23EST -0500 An excellent article. There are a lot of such articles coming up and it would do a lot of good if some official in the government takes a look at them and tries to implement the ideas. Vasanth
Fri, 09 Jun 2000, 20:44:16EST +0530 Perhaps the minister can explain why he is in Assam and not in Bangladesh? The Sylhet district was partitioned and most of it went to Bangladesh. This on the basis of a Muslim majority in the district alone, since Assam had a non Muslim majority. Muslims in Bengal really have no case for being there. Bangladesh (East Pakistan ) was created for them. So if they get a mild form of enemy property treatment that is regularly and systematically applied to Hindus in Pakistan/ Bangladesh and the Koran sanctifies it, why are they complaining? It is time they left just as they have forced the Hindus to do so . N Takley
Fri, 09 Jun 2000, 03:33:24EST The situation in Sri Lanka has deteriorated to such an extent that the politicians who centralised the power base in their own hands have now become prisoners in the same cell. None of them can even safely get out of their homes without bodyguards and police protection. How can they call this democracy? Can they not see that there is fundamentally something wrong in the way they are running their affairs? The sad part of all this is even decent Sinhalese politicians such as Minister Gooneratne have been dragged into this mire. There was absolutely no need for him to march in a procession that day. When there are reports from the soldiers themselves that hot tar is poured on the faces of dead soldiers to prevent identification of the dead, why this hypocrisy of war? Heroes day!? In fact when the Sri lankan army took over Jaffna in 1996 the first thing they did was to bulldoze the LTTE cemetery and desecrate the tombs of their war heroes. That was the respect Sri Lankan forces gave their adversaries. What do they expect in return from the LTTE when the government hoists the flag for their fallen soldiers? Dr Mahendran
Fri, 09 Jun 2000, 10:55:37EST +0530 This is a one-sided view. And there was no need to bring in the BJP into the picture. Hasn't anyone ever bothered to find out what the views of Hindus are in the matter? The Hindus have been oppressed for more than 10 centuries. How can a people be tolerant if even after this they are tormented? Hope you will adopt a more balanced view in the future. Dilip
Thu, 08 Jun 2000, 18:45:47EST I am amazed that rediff carries such "stories" by a Hindu fundamentalist. She gives a bad name to the majority of intelligent and peace loving Hindus, many of whom happen to be close friends of mine. First of all Ms Bhosle, Christians in India have the right to practice, propagate and preach their religion. And no one is stopping the Hindus too from doing so, not only in India but around the world. So what are you and outfits like the Bajrang Dal etc afraid of ? Perhaps you are worried that the status quo will be affected. That thousands of unfortunate so called lower castes will finally get rid of the shackles imposed on them by the caste system of Hinduism. And last but not the least, why should the Bajrang Dal/ Shiv Sena fret and fume about Christian institutions such as hospitals, schools, orphanages etc? Nobody is preventing them from doing similar work.
Thu, 08 Jun 2000, 09:27:06EST -0400 I think George Fernandes is a nut who is trying to be good and in the process proving that all others, especially the BJP, is not favouring the decision. Whether or not India signs the CTBT needs to be discussed first in India and also declared first in India. So George Fernandes, stop putting your foot into your mouth. I think you have done the same in the past and have got everyone into enough trouble. Sonali Apte