Two Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad leaders, including the BJP-backed student body's Madhya Pradesh unit secretary Vimal Tomar, surrendered in Ujjain on Wednesday in connection with the death of a professor after allegedly being manhandled during violence in college elections.
State ABVP president Shashiranjan Akela also surrendered before police in a case relating to manhandling and throwing mud at Professor M L Nath during the election on August 26, Inspector General of Police Anil Kumar said.
Tomar was shown by television channels abusing and threatening Nath during the elections, which were cancelled. Five others were earlier arrested by the police in connection with the attack on Nath and were released on bail, the IGP added.
Nath and his two colleagues were mobbed by unruly students during students' union elections. One of his colleagues, H S Sabharwal, succumbed to his injuries on the way to the hospital.