Madhya Pradesh police on Friday filed chargesheets in a local court against six Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad members for the murder of professor H S Sabharwal, who died following violence during student union polls at Ujjain on August 26.
The six persons were charged with murder and rioting, a senior Criminal Investigation Department official told PTI. The chargesheet was filed in the court of Judicial Magistrate R S Madia.
"The challan was presented in the court after getting enough evidence to prove their direct involvement in the murder of Professor Sabharwal after the cancellation of college union polls in Ujjain's Madhav College on August 26," the officer said.
The CID questioned 93 people, including some eyewitnesses, before charging the ABVP members under Sections 302 (murder) and 147 (rioting) of the Indian Penal Code, he said.
The court has fixed October 26 as the next date of hearing in the case, he said.
The CID arrested former ABVP state president Shashiranjan Singh Akela, former secretary Vimal Tomar and ABVP workers Panka Mishra, Hemant Dube, Vishal Rajoria and Sudhir Yadav for the death of Sabharwal.
During the investigation, their involvement in the case was revealed and the CID filed charges of murder and rioting against them on the basis of available evidence, the officer said.
Sabharwal's death had sparked outrage across the country and widespread protests in Madhya Pradesh.