A local court on Friday rejected the bail application of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad's former state president Shashiranjan Akela, who was allegedly involved in the killing of Professor H S Sabharwal during violence in college polls.
Akela along with another ABVP former secretary, Vimal Tomar were arrested by the CID probing the death of Professor Sabharwal during the college union polls in Ujjain's Madhav College on August 26.
Meanwhile, ABVP workers led by its national president, Kailash Sharma took out a rally protesting the arrest of their leaders in the murder of Professor Sabharwal alleging that they were falsely implicated in the case.
Later, talking to reporters, Sharma said that ABVP has no problems in handing over the case to the CBI, but insisted that the probe should remain impartial.