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December 29, 2003 |



The third step first
'At a time when peace and normalcy is slowly returning to the sub-continent, the smartest thing the general and his team can do is to agree to disagree on Kashmir and move forward,' says Sajid Bhombal


December 24, 2003 |



India is victorious, not a victim
'India and Indians are, by and large, earning their rightful place on the world stage, occasionally sliding down slithery snakes but mostly zigzagging up lofty ladders,' says John Laxmi


December 23, 2003 |



Is India winning or losing?
'The task of marketing India and Indians, is best done by the Indian government, Indian corporations and by Indian people, not by outsiders, least of all by NRIs,' says John Laxmi


December 19, 2003 |



Is the Congress ready for a reality check?
'It is time the party starts building up a coalition with the likes of Mulayam, Mayawati, Sharad Pawar and the Communists if it wants to give the BJP a fair fight,' says R Swaminathan.


December 18, 2003 |



Happy Anniversary Mr Sayeed!
'The healing touch by itself is a brilliant philosophy. However, Sayeed needs to understand that time and tide wait for none. Time is running out for Kashmir.'


November 19, 2003 |



Kashmir, Vajpayee's Headache!
'If J&K is Vajpayee's incurable headache, then the prime minister has become India's headache. It is time for a new leadership that does not consider part of the country a headache.'


October 07, 2003 |



This is why Atal still clicks
'Atal is the greatest political wizard we know today. He has managed to hold together a motley crowd of power-seekers, and kept this collaboration of convenience intact for so long.'


September 29, 2003 |



The final word on Pakistan
'Finally, it means never letting our guard down. We made that mistake in 1999 and lost some 700 of our soldiers in Kargil as a result. This time we didn't repeat the error.' says Swapan Dasgupta


September 26, 2003 |



Pinocchio Pervez
India, says Musharraf, has created the 'fiction' of cross-border terrorism; presumably, the 80+ thousand graves dotting the Kashmir valley, and the bodies contained therein, are studio props to dress up that fiction.


September 24, 2003 |



Ayodhya remained an almost-revolution
The prime minister knows this as does Advani and the rest of the BJP. Only a fraction of the VHP clings to the self-serving belief that the ideological fickleness and opportunism of the BJP leadership is the only stumbling block to Hindu resurgence.


September 16, 2003 |



Do you believe the Mumbai Police?
'18 days to solve a case appears truly remarkable, and little too much to digest. What plants the seed of doubt is the speed with which the cops were able to find the suspects,' says R Swaminathan.


September 15, 2003 |



The politics of reciprocity
'The key to Sharon's reciprocity lies neither in Delhi nor Jerusalem but in Washington.'


September 10, 2003 |



The India-Israel-US Nexus
'The more important secret pacts will be scrupulously kept away from public gaze and there will be little reference to the bourgeoning military ties.' says Ninan Koshy.


September 3, 2003 |



Indians, awake!
'What happened in Mumbai on August 25 was more than another incident of terrorism; it was also an act of betrayal. The outpourings of sanctimonious humbug mask this grim reality.' says Swapan Dasgupta


