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July 29, 2005 |



Baseless criticism of PM
'It is time we reverse the priority back to Nehru and Bhabha's original vision of nuclear energy, while we can all still continue to support a modest nuclear weapons programme.'


July 26, 2005 |



Do we need the nuclear deal?
'If the new enterprise doesn't go through, India still gains by being labelled as a 'responsible State with advanced nuclear technology' (read 'State with nuclear weapons'). Surely, that is not something we should be complaining about?'


July 21, 2005 |



Brouhaha over a fatwa
'Just as Shah Bano and Gudiya, Imrana and her plight might soon vanish from our conscience.'


July 20, 2005 |



The nuclear deal
At least in the eyes of the US, India is now a nuclear weapons state.


July 18, 2005 |



India-US: unequal partners
The 'new framework for US-India defence relationship' signed by Defence Minister Pranab Mukherjee is bad news, and not merely because the Communists say so.


July 16, 2005 |



60 years after the bomb
'Sixty years after the world's first atomic explosion, there are no prospects in sight for elimination of nuclear weapons. Per contra, there may be more entities that acquire them.'


July 13, 2005 |



The buck stops with Blair
The bloody attack on London represents the single biggest failure of the British Security Services in the War on Terrorism and perhaps one of the worst acts of political negligence for many years.
Reversing the call culture
'Globalisation is indeed a two-way street and Udipis will be as ubiquitous as Pizza Huts one day.'


June 16, 2005 |



Why Siachen matters
'What is the guarantee that some future Pakistani genera will not re-occupy Siachen with 'freedom fighters'?'


June 15, 2005 |



Look to the real leaders
'Show politicians the contempt they deserve and encourage a non-political leadership to emerge as genuine torchbearers of society.'


June 08, 2005 |



The dispossession of the Hindus
'Finally Hindus were dispossessed of their political leadership also, who would speak for them straight and unapologetically.'


June 06, 2005 |



Advani's missteps in Pakistan
'The Sangh Parivar could put up with Vajpayee's ramblings, but Advani's may be the unkindest cut of all.'


