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January 27, 2006 |



'Towards an Asian Economic Community'
'India and China, as two continental-size economies and political entities, are too big to contain each other or be contained by any other country.'


January 24, 2006 |



Saudi king's visit will herald a new era
'The Saudi king's India visit will open a new chapter in the relationship between the two countries and should work as a bridge for future cooperation.'
Musharraf gives India a Kashmir hope
'Ironically, Musharraf's proposal on self-governance has given India the opening it needed to undertake a major political initiative in J&K.'


January 16, 2006 |



Thank god the Hurriyat blinkers are off
'Inviting Sajjad Lone is a step in the right direction, but the full potential of the move can only be realised when Delhi casts its net wider in Kashmir.'
This is not about Bofors
Law Minister Bhardwaj's action shows how incurable Congressmen's collective sickness called sycophancy is.


January 11, 2006 |



A task force to sell US to India
'It runs the risk of being viewed as an attempt at whitewash if there is even a hint of its having been used to defend, justify or endorse the government's pro-US policies.'


January 10, 2006 |



How Bihar was won
'The Election Commission's no-nonsense approach in transferring poor performers or partisan officials and inducting efficient and neutral officers sent the right signals to the bureaucracy to perform without fear or favour.'


January 05, 2006 |



The Lure of India
'The momentum behind reform is irreversible, for it is driven by a collective belief that India must have a strong economy to improve its standard of living to be taken seriously by the world.'


