Known as the Mobile Broadcast Solutions division of Nokia, the unit employs around 40 people, who are mainly responsible for developing software and hardware to enable mobile TV technology on the phone.
It is understood that Nokia has decided to sell the unit as the company is planning to focus on the consumer side of the mobile TV business. The mobile television and on-demand video, much touted a few years ago, did not evoke much interest from the public.
Wipro is strong in the telecom services business. In October 2007, telecom firm Nokia Siemens Networks transferred its Berlin-based R&D team working on radio access technologies to Wipro Technologies. About 58 employees of Nokia Siemens were transferred to Wipro Technologies.
Moreover, Wipro currently offers mobile software-product-realisation and consulting services to Forum Nokia community members. Its services can be provided either from India or any of its global locations. It is also a Symbian (the leading cellphone operating system) Platinum Partner and a Symbian Competence Centre.