"Reliance Power has signed an agreement with the Arunachal Pradesh government for developing 2,520 MW of hydro power projects in the state," a Reliance Power spokesperson said.
The company has signed agreement with the state government for developing four hydro power projects - 1,200 MW Kalai-II, 420 MW Amulin, 500 MW Emini and 400 MW Mihundon.
These projects were awarded to the company through competitive bidding conducted by the state government. The current hydro project portfolio of Reliance Power is 4,620 MW, one of the largest in private sector in India.
Besides, the other projects of the company in the state are 700-MW Tato-II and 1,000-MW Siyom, a company statement said.
Construction activities have commenced at Tato-II and Siyom and preliminary work like preparation of Detailed Project Report is going on for all the other projects, it said.
All these projects are Run-of-river (ROR) projects and would take 6-7 years to get commissioned. They are expected to be commissioned in the next plan period (2012-17) and Tato-II will be the first project to go on-stream.