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| July 31, 2003 |
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|  Housing loans: no cause for alarm yet The Indian real estate boom may be similar to the one in east Asia, but it's unlikely to meet the same fate, says Kanhaiya Singh.
FDI and 'national interest' The Star controversy was rather unwanted and could have been avoided had the Indian government not suffered from FDI paranoia opines Kanika Datta.
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| July 30, 2003 |
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|  What next at RBI? The Reserve Bank of India must adopt floating exchange rate, says Ila Patnaik.
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| July 29, 2003 |
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|  The myth of totally free trade You only have to scratch the surface to realise that the Western world's commitment to free trade is wavering, says R Jagannathan.
Another raw deal for UTI investors P Vaidyanathan Iyer feels that the capital market regulator may not be the best equipped body to handle financial and commercial frauds.
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| July 28, 2003 |
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|  Uniform telecom licence a myth? To the lay reader, the telecom regulator's (Trai's) consultation paper on issuing a common licence for both basic and cellular services seems one of the most obvious, and progressive things to do.
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| July 25, 2003 |
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|  Upgrading 'Made in India' If industry and the government get together, 'Made in India' can become a hallmark of quality, says T Thomas.
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| July 22, 2003 |
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|  Dancing for a visa An exact know-how of special skills is the need of the hour stresses Manas Chakravarty.
Rains a modern tragedy? Every year we face acute water shortage, yet we do nothing to conserve rain water, says Sunita Narain.
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| July 21, 2003 |
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|  Satellite TV should beam in on the manufacturing model CAS is actually a fight among companies that do business within and outside India. Sanjeev Nayyar explains why and how this can be done.
Do fundamentals really matter? The euphoric market response to Maruti's listing and Infosys' results raises queries on the validity of fundamentals.
The times of our stars The Times of India, perhaps rightly, campaigns against Star TV, yet its FM radio plugs are clearly motivated by its ownership of Radio Mirchi, says Sunil Jain.
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| July 17, 2003 |
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|  A phone for Page 3 wannabes V200 phone is the one that Samsung used in the movie Matrix Reloaded as a promo. It has the scene in which protagonist Neo, after fighting with a pole, shrugs off a few dozen clones out to exterminate him.
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| July 14, 2003 |
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|  Maharashtra: the growth-fiscal nexus The state may be among the richest in the country, but its fiscal situation does not reflect this. Dharmakirti Joshi explains why….
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| July 12, 2003 |
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|  Some good news, and some bad Judging by recent headlines, all those who have been forecasting an end to bad times, and the start of a genuine upswing, may be getting vindicated, says T N Ninan.
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| July 11, 2003 |
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|  Savers and spenders Spendthrifts have an edge over those who save in avoiding deflation, says A V Rajwade.
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| July 02, 2003 |
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|  Indian manufacturing gets competitive Conceptualisation, development and manufacturing competency taking place in India are resulting in substantial exports, says Subir Roy.
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| July 01, 2003 |
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|  Between democracy and growth India is perhaps one country which is now on its way to proving that democracy may not be a permanent handicap when it comes to economic growth, R Jagannathan explains how.
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