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| October 27, 2003 |
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|  Who needs products? Services are prime Has the Indian IT industry failed at the 'ultimate objective' of creating world-class products? Basab Pradhan examines some common myths about the IT industry.
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| October 25, 2003 |
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|  Indian companies on a roll, but... While most companies are getting ready to capitalise on the good times, there is the danger that optimism is running ahead of the facts.
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| October 24, 2003 |
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|  Globalisation's joys and pains Multinational employees are paid more, but they also get sacked more often, says T C A Srinivasa-Raghavan
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| October 21, 2003 |
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|  Missing links in finance ministry It is a pity that nobody in the government seems to care to widen the search for capable officers in the finance ministry by looking at the various IAS officers serving the states, says A K Bhattacharya
Needed: a futures market in power A futures market will ensure efficiency in the power sector and help us achieve 8 per cent growth, says Kirit S Parikh
The missing force in globalisation The unions, by becoming more nationalistic than capitalists, are losing their voice; it is time that labour found its voice, opines R Jagannathan
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| October 20, 2003 |
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|  Merge IOC and ONGC Only a combined IOC-ONGC entity can stake a claim to be a global player and compete with the oil behemoths
Shopping malls' future in doubt The fact that several of the top retail/mall players are actually from the real estate business tells its own story, states Sunil Jain
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| October 15, 2003 |
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|  Trade deficit: Boon or bane? In the present scenario, it would be desirable to run up a current account deficit of 2.5 per cent of GDP, says Ila Patnaik.
Don't fret, change the law The executive must learn to live with the judiciary. If it is upset with one of its orders, it has the option of getting the law changed, writes A K Bhattacharya.
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| October 14, 2003 |
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|  Airy-fairy policies The technology roadmap to meet clean air targets is small-minded and slow-paced, says Sunita Narain.
The 1,164th open letter to Dr Reddy Low interest rates are taking a terrible toll on widows and pensioners. In my view, the RBI should raise interest rates on deposits, opines Manas Chakravarty.
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| October 13, 2003 |
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|  Seeing divestment through A blend of strategic sale and public offering should bring about consensus in the divestment process, says Subir Gokarn.
The dangers of the rise of the rupee The rise is independent of the dollar's weakness. The optimism may soon turn false, states A V Rajwade.
Shourie faces another telecom mess Shourie now has to deal with another huge mess of the complete rot in the procurement systems of the state-owned telecom firms, MTNL and BSNL, says Sunil Jain.
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| October 06, 2003 |
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|  When ONGC ran out of cover Had any accident taken place a year ago, there would have been no compensation from the insurance companies for ONGC, says Sunil Jain.
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| October 04, 2003 |
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|  Fudging real issues in elections Wven in a country like the US known for addressing real issues in its elections, the underlying realities get ignored because the truth is seen as being unpalatable.
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| October 02, 2003 |
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|  Can Damodaran save IDBI? The government's plan to cover a development financial animal in a bank's skin may not work, says Tamal Bandyopadhyay
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