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| March 29, 2005 |
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|  GDP? That's Guru Darshan & Pravachan! And it's not only the poor and the middle class who throng these discourses (pravachans or satsangs, as they are usually called). Scaling some of the big corporate names, the fan following climbs right to the top of the economic ladder.
How companies can revive sports Companies can do a great deal to revive Indian sports with help from the government.
Drafting patents, the new BPO There are already 280 professionals in India doing such work for US-based clients and this will grow six fold by the end of the decade.
Time to look beyond oil The issue is not supplies to India, it is more likely supplies in general. The time may have come to start thinking of a post-petroleum world.
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| March 23, 2005 |
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|  The making of new IITs On what criteria are the new colleges which will be turned into IITs selected? Read on. . .
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| March 22, 2005 |
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|  5 things B-schools don't teach! Among other things, B-schools don't prepare us for the biggest differentiator in the real world - the ability to execute, says .
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| March 21, 2005 |
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|  VAT: A regressive tax? The most commonly asked question about the distributional effect of the value-added tax is whether it is a regressive tax. The apparently simple question is actually not so simple to answer.
Reasons behind China's success So why do societies fail? Because people don't create institutions -- institutions that enshrine private property and market principles.
Gas from Iran may cost India dear Gas from Iran via Pakistan may prove to be too dear for India.
How Infocomm shot itself When Infocomm decided to stray from the straight and narrow, it didn't know it would have to make the additional payments.
Do corporates give back to the society? Many large firms have started taking corporate social responsibility seriously, but this needs to spread to other companies too.
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| March 19, 2005 |
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|  Who wants to be a billionaire? This year's Forbes list of billionaires is out, and I'm glad that as many as twelve Indians have made it to the rich list, a threefold rise from 2001.
The gold fixation Will Chidambaram's "gold units" proposal purge our people's profound commitment to the metal?
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| March 12, 2005 |
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|  Can a govt tax anything? The sovereign right to tax has been deemed to be absolute, but it has to be exercised reasonably.
Dollar tsunami Do we have defences against 'emerging market flu', or are we in the hands of the FIIs, asks .
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| March 07, 2005 |
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|  Because I'm the taxman! While we'd all love to believe the finance minister, the history of the tax department is hardly inspiring.
Why FDI is not the solution Yasheng Huang, a Harvard professor, says FDI is not all good and the implications are profound.
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| March 05, 2005 |
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|  Mumbai, a financial hub? A complex task! To make Mumbai a regional financial centre, you need capital account convertibility -- and India is at least five years away from that, says .
Cash, anyone? It is the traders and organisations with large public dealings that must be encouraged to shift away from cash-oriented transactions.
Attn: UPA, identify yourself! The UPA would be more likeable if it had less of a split personality.
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| March 03, 2005 |
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|  Four years to manhood How the new norms on ownership in private banks and acquisition by foreign banks will shape the banking landscape
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| March 01, 2005 |
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|  3 reasons why PF scheme can't go bust! The EPF will have to use its capital to service returns that fall due, making it somewhat of a Ponzi scheme. But the govt will bail it out, says .
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